Wednesday, August 20, 2008
the waiting game
this whole thing is actually confusing... i mean really - isn't it supposed to be 9 months? no - guess not.
anyway, things NOT MAKING SENSE is probably just prepping me for entering this new phase of my life titled, "what the cheese is going on!"
Friday, August 15, 2008
mac daddy
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
back to life
I was really glad to go to home group last night and share all of the thoughts about prayer with them (we've been studying prayer in group). It was also cool because they were a group of people that I knew were on the journey with me via prayer.
I'm glad to be back with Erica - her tummy grow a bit while i was gone (I LOVE IT). I'm going to get some pictures on here to share with you all.
Tomorrow the baby will be "full term" with our actual "due date" 3 weeks away. We're ready (we think).
Sunday, August 10, 2008
home at last
I wild ride. I am so thankful for this family. My wife that supports me so well. A brother and sister that love each other and their parents. And my parents... they are where I start when I tell my testimony of why I believe in Jesus Christ. And really - what is more important than that!?!?! (okay they did also bring me into this world)
Mom and Dad are VERY thankful for all of the prayers and support that have come their way. They plan to send the rest of the week recovering at home, but welcome your support via email: and/or
For those who have emailed and ask where to send something they are home at:
13 E. Dow St
Tipp City, Ohio 45371
(but please no visitors yet)
As for me - I'm getting on a plane tomorrow to go check on my baby in the oven! ;-) I'll still do some posts here - but much less frequent. Thanks again to all who have played a role in this miracle.
we're outta here
riddle of the day
I'm sure there is some funny answer about a cat not being able to read - but this is not funny - we're so ready to go home.
Dad's dressed and ready to go and we're... STILL WAITING. It's funny how mad the nurses get when you ask them about it. I think they get as annoyed with doctors as anyone.
Okay - so this is an all call... if you can read a cat scan and sign us out of here there is a $4.50 reward. please claim redemption code: broken chain upon checkout
gotta love to wait
In 5 minutes I'm going to start photoshopping myself some credentials to check us out.
dad says hi
quick update
He's more and more becoming himself (without the bad jokes).
a great hour
It was a very special hour with my dad. Docs here... gotta go.
good morning
doc says if we're okay keeping food (liquids) down and okay with the type of pain killers they have us set to go home with... then we can leave!! We might be out of here by lunch time and on the road back to Tipp City.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Mostly he's REALLY out of it. In two months I don't think you will even know anything happened.
Could be a long two months for him.
andy's better details
This should be our final update assuming things continue to go well. Clark's surgery took about two hours, and we are waiting for him to be brought back to the room once he comes out of the anesthesia. Clark had 3 titanium plates and 16 screws put into his jawbone, cheek bone, and above his left eye in the ebrow area. The surgeon told us that things went very well, and that the surgery had been quick and uneventful for this type of procedure. So much so that they apparently listened to Metallica the whole time the worked on him. Clark will need to only eat soft foods for the next month or so, and will not actually have to have his jaw wired shut, as we previously thought. It looks like he will be released tomorrow morning to go back to Ohio, but will have several weeks of recovery to work through along with at least 2 trips back to Grand Rapids to see the surgeon who performed the operation.
Heidi and I will likely stay with Clark and Kim for a few days while Kim's leg gets better and help her manage things around the house. Right now we feel very fortunate for Clark's improved condition, the success of the surgery, and all the thoughts and prayers that have been sent to us via email and phone messages. Clark has been especially encouraged by the messages and we have been reading them to him when he has been awake today. It has certainly brightened his spirits, and for that we are very thankful.
Again we thank you for all the kind words and support.
more waiting
So he's still in recovery until they fell he is alert enough to come join our party. Yea - we're trying to make the best of this.
Doc thinks we can drive him home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for prayers... I sincerely believe it is the reason we can celebrate right now.
i just want to be a blessing
It was cliche, it was funny, it was a joke... but he was serious. Kind of. I think he just wanted to be a pleasure to be around.
Well, 10 years later - Ray lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. And he has been here with our family pretty much non-stop. He's never said out loud ,"I just want to be a blessing." BUT He IS A BLESSING.
He also happens to be a doctor here - PERFECT. He doesn't interfere, is super respectful of our family - but he is here for anything we need. And just here for us if we don't need anything.
Then there is my friend's Mike and Katie. Erica and I were at their house when I got the call. Keep in mind they have a 2 week old baby and he's cooking us dinner at the time... Whatever we needed! He was about to drive me up here! He was about to give me 100,000 sky miles! Are you kidding?! You run a business, have a 2 week old baby and you would drive me 14 hours north through the night?!
Are these people angels? No. They are not. They are people who understand friendship, fellowship and serving a living God who can do GREAT things through them (like being a blessing).
here we go
Here we go - need all warriors praying through this surgery and I'll post again as soon as we're out of here.
no surgery yet
precedence around here.
Benj Miller
// all new:
Friday, August 8, 2008
good night
to look over and see your hero so broken.
I want to share with all of you the emotions that I (we) have gone
through... but I don't know how. I think every emotion possible has
gone flying thru my vains.
in the end God's GLORY is big. Between iowa, georgia, ohio, michigan,
oregon, to africa and europe... I believe so many saints were pounding
on heaven's door that God had to listen.
Mom's ankle has swollen up pretty large. Dad is sleeping a lot still.
All I can say is how blessed we are to still have both our parents.
Benj Miller
// all new:
better details from Andy & Heidi
only good news
Dad is pretty drugged up - but he is going to be fine. The nastiest black eye ever. His spirit could be a bit broken (could be the drugs). sinus, cheek and jaw bone are all broken or shattered. some other random stitches.
He is excited about having an all liquid diet (ice cream) for a month or two.
BTW - my mom is hilarious, with only a slight limp.
JUST IN, surgery is tomorrow at 10am.
cellphones aren't allowed on this floor - so i won't be texting, calling, emailing much.
THANK YOU ALL for your prayers - I'll write more later - but this is NOTHING short of a miricle... lots and lots of big, amazing, tear jerking miricles.
almost there
about 1.5 hours.
My sister just got there and is reporting good things (nothing short
of miricles). Dad is actually sitting up. will report more when I hear
or see more.
surgery is set for monday.
mom and dad accident
A few hours ago Clark and Kim Miller, Heidi's parents, were in a motorcycle crash in northern Michigan. We do not know many details at this time, but we have talked with Kim, who has been released with minor injuries from the hospital in near Muskegon where the accident occurred. Clark was care-flighted from the scene due to a head injury sustained in the crash. Kim said that he was in and out of consciousness while they were waiting for the ambulance, but that his helmet came off in the accident. He was able to move his body during this time, and was speaking some. The paramedics apparently sedated him at the scene for the ride in the helicopter. Kim is on the way to the hospital in Grand Rapids where Clark has been taken, and will be with Clark shortly. Heidi and I are packing and will be likely leaving for Grand Rapids tonight.
Details of the accident are difficult to know now, as Kim's recollection is spotty, but it appears that a bus pulled out in front of their motorcycle, and Clark had to brake suddenly at a high rate of speed, causing the motorcycle to fall on its side and them to be knocked off of it.
This is a great time of need for our family and we ask for your prayers and hearts to be with Clark and all of us. This is the best way we know to help at this point. We will send another email once we know more about the situation.
Just wanted to let everyone know that we just heard from Kim, and initial CAT scans of Clark's brain are ok. He is still heavily sedated, but is responding some when Kim talks to him. It looks like all of the bones on the left side of his cheek are broken (jaw, sinus, and cheek), and he will need plastic surgery, but the hope now is that everything with his brain is OK, and that he can soon be breathing on his own. We are on the way now to Michigan and will likely not be able to email again until tomorrow.