Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I'm pretty excited about my latest idea/product/venture/partnership. It all started like this...

Having a baby makes me think about a lot of things that have never crossed my mind. I think the biggest is the overwhelming sense of responsibility for this little person's life. The single-most important role that I have as a father is to groom and shape him with what we have learned to call a "Biblical Worldview" (for more pickup this book).

In the book "Family Driven Faith", Voddie Baucham addresses that there are 5 key aspects that shape our worldview, including our perspective on; God, Man, Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom. I am going to add a sixth, Love.

So, I was left dreaming of all the resources as my disposal to help me train up a man who had a solid Biblical Worldview on each of those topics. About three weeks ago this pondering ran straight into another hamster wheel in my head. I was dreaming of an iPhone application to develop for myself. I was creating some apps for clients... but I wanted to do something for myself.

On a Saturday morning, it hit me. Pick a story from the bible that somehow illustrates one of the five key aspects of the worldview. We make it a story on the iPhone. Instead of flipping pages, you could now FLICK through pages. Then, when your done reading actually go back and pick one of the pages and color them in (all on the iPhone/iPod Touch).

I was sold! And pumped! The next thought was that Heidi (my sister), is the PERFECT person to do the illustrations. I called her up and she was on board. That same week I had been talking with Kennedy Kok (K5 Software) about doing some apps together... he was on board.

We had our idea and the perfect team! We all got right to work. This week we launched a website that will showcase the stories. It is mostly just a framework with demos and screenshots forthcoming... but take a look and let us know any comments or ideas!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

it's been a little over forever

hey all. so i'm pretty good at blogging through major life events... not so much on the day-to-day.

What's happened...
Link is growing and starting to interact. Our favorite time is in the evening. We have a family devotional during his feeding then it is off to bath time! He loves it. He loves to eat his fists in the bathtub. I'm not sure what that means, but it makes him happy.

I am working from home again. It was really weird moving the office back home, but MAN am I loving it.

Erica is adjusting to mommy-hood really well. She started training again last week and has added some non-baby life back into her world.

I'll keep it short... hopefully then I'll come back soon. Ow... if your checking this looking for Link picts. He has his own facebook account and updates stuff there ;-)